Quantum Identity III: False Dichotomies and Walls that Must be Broken

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Yuma, Dallas, and Everywhere Else


A black gash

Across the white dunes



From them

As if these great barriers of sand

And desiccating wilderness

Would not faithfully claim its victims

In punishment

For their trespass

Across imaginary lines


I imagine the shifting mountains

Swallowing up great swaths of fence

Building bridges

Grain by grain

Across the black steel

And in so doing

Whispering to each of us

To be a tiny crystal

In the great dune of humankind

Of human kindness

To let our fences

And walls

Become relics

Falling apart

Under the brilliant light

Of an ancient sun


But today

The sandy bricks in the halls of Justice

Fall apart

Under the weight of similar lines

Similar fences

Similar walls

As we arm a nation of untrained civilians

Hoping they will still be civil

On both sides of a gun

As we criminalize pigment

And deny our privilege

And scream about rules and rights and constitutions

Until the people on the other side

Want our rules to apply equally to them too


But there is no other side


Our fathers drew the lines

And built the fences

And we can take them down


We are all sand

All of us

Blown about by the wind



We make a dune

A bridge

Or even better

A place where things can grow

Where we let the many-colored roots

Of many different things

Anchor us

Settle us

Into a land of peace

A land of plenty

Where sand begets seeds

And seeds beget grain

And grain begets harvests 

That feed any who hunger

At the communion table 

We set for all